Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Newberry / Greenville, SC

So I am getting use to the Bike and Build lifestyle. Waking up around 7 am, getting packed, eating peanut butter and bagels for breakfast and heading out by 8 or 8:30 typically. The ride to Newberry was a nice 45 mile ride on some high traffic roads with some nice hills. On some of the descents I think I hit close to 40 mph already! The ride really was not that interesting besides one part where we passed a large stone wall and a small body of water, check it out below.

Once we got to the host location we got the van all unpacked using the assembly line method. The host place was lots of fun as we stayed in a small gym. Played some hoops and got a volleyball bet set up. There was a dispute on one call where I kicked the ball over the net and it hit the white line. It was settled with a match of leg wrestling where two people lay next to each other with their heads on opposite sides and kick up their legs trying to make the other person turn over. I faced Lance who was the champ so far when he leg wrestled a bunch of people in Columbia, but I defeated him shocking the whole group. It was pretty memorable.

The rest of day was chill as we ate, painted the van and walked around the small city. People still had energy to play games so basketball and a little bit of soccer continued till lights out.

Waking up for Greensville was a little depressing as the rain ruined the paint job on the van. Greensville 72 mile ride was definitely the most hilly we have faced so far. Many rolling hills with some cool descents. This was a bad day for some riders as 6 people fell going over railroad tracks. Half of the ride was through some heavy rain making all the tracks slick. Craig did a superman over the handle bars while some just fell to the side, but no one got hurt to bad. we stopped half way at a gas station as we busted out the jump rope until the lightening passed.

The rain never passed as I tried to dry all 3 pairs of lens but riders ahead would just splash them right away. Entering the City was awesome as we went through the main street with tons of shops and places to eat, making everyone excited for the day off that we had coming.

We ate dinner at Wild Wings, which had a tasty yet too small for our hunger burger. We later went to the Mexican restaurant that most of the vegetarians were and ate the free chips and salsa that came with their meals.

The day off was awesome and relaxing for our butts. We went to Falls Park which was well maintained and just and awesome place to relax as seen below.

The weather cooperated and we were also treated to a nice dinner where one of the board members rented out the top floor of a restaurant. We played darts, pool, and ate pizza to our delight. I became kind of obsessed with darts as my desire to beat Zac in darts grew. The last game before we left I accomplished that goal as I finally got pretty consistent and good at darts. Rested up and got packed and ready to leave Greensville tomorrow!

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