Other landmarks include volunteering with the Flower City Habitat for Humanity for about 6 hours to gain some construction experience and getting the required medical form filled out basically saying that I am medical able to bike for 6-8 hours a day. How fit I am to actually embark on the adventure is a different story, which the medical from really does not take into consideration.
I got my bike a while back, and have been trying to bike whenever I had a chance. I got fitted to my bike by a professional from Full Moon Vista (Kyle's da Man), which is honestly the best the bike shop in Rochester. I went to almost all the bike shops in Rochester but the Full Moon Vista staff was easily the nicest and most helpful. They love to help and never try to sell unnecessary products that are more expensive. They also have a cute dog that wanders the shop, which makes it that much better. Ever since then I have been biking about 15 miles 3-4 days a week for about 2 weeks now. Unfortunately the SC2SC route starts earlier than I planned meaning I won't have nearly as much time to train after graduation. During my short rides so far I have learned 2 things:
1) Don't unclip one foot and lean the other way
2) I truly love biking.
I have also ordered the majority of my biking equipment from our Bokoo sponsors (got shipped today!) and some bike shops over in the UK. I will try to write more often with the trip so close... but that never ending school work has to get finished first.